Goodreads Challenges Accepted
These are books I intend to try for the Goodreads Challenges of the year.
Pop Culture in Print
Living through Taylor's Era, I appreciate the wealth of writing being done about popular culture. Pop culture is never just about the surface, and these books explore the deeper and more controversial layers beneath some of the most significant books, movies, and T.V. shows in the recent and not so recent past.
Summer Time Sadness: Books for Bawling at the Beach
Summer time, and the living isn't easy for everyone. If you count yourself among the heartbroken, the over heated, or those prone to serious sunburns, try one of these books on for size and stay indoors or in the shade. Stay hydrated, my friends.
My Unread Shelf Part 2: What I Actually Read In Summer 2023
TBR, more like TBD. In Summer 2023, I was prepared. I had a list of books to read. And then, I didn't finish any of them. Will I? Someday, maybe.
Here's what I actually read last summer.
My Unread Bookcase: Summer 2023
There are two kinds of book people: those who read in an orderly fashion and those who have a bunker list. I fall into the latter camp. I collect books. New, used, reissues; I love them all. But so many of them catch my eye that I have a long list of back catalogue and of coming soon I want to read. This list contains some of the old and some of the new ones I look forward to…
This Book Contains A Book
Authors frequently reference their favorite books, but these novels contain books that don't exist in the world outside of their pages.
Beyond Stone Soup
I don't know what to say here, but I want to click save.
Angels And Demons And Vampires And Ghosts
When the leaves start turning and the air grows cold, enjoy a shiver, whether new or old. Whether out of fright or delight.
But, Have You Read: Lesser Known Works of Well-Known Authors
For every "Pride and Prejudice," there's a "Lady Susan," a work maybe from early in an author's career, maybe long lost and later published after the author's death, maybe just not made into a Hollywood blockbuster or made into a flop. If the book's not known by everyone yet, it makes it so much cooler when you meet another reader who loves it. These books are some I love that I rarely…
Bang Your Head: Mental Health in Fiction and Non-Fiction
Whether it's inherited or the result of trauma, or a mix of both, mental illness and mental health matter more than ever. Some of these stories are from the perspective of friends or family; some are in first person. What connects them all is a need for help, the knowledge that help doesn't always come, and, if and when it does, it doesn't always look like you might suppose.…