Summer Time Sadness: Books for Bawling at the Beach

Summer Time Sadness: Books for Bawling at the Beach

A list by Rachael, Page

Summer time, and the living isn't easy for everyone. If you count yourself among the heartbroken, the over heated, or those prone to serious sunburns, try one of these books on for size and stay indoors or in the shade. Stay hydrated, my friends.


This powerful graphic novel asks the question: what was Christ doing those three days before the Resurrection? But this book packs many other questions into its brief page count. Be prepared to look deeply at yourself. Be prepared for tears.

The author's only novel, The Bell Jar tells the semi-autobiographical story of Esther Greenwood. She wants to be a writer, but also feels strongly the responsibility of becoming a wife and mother. Add to this that she's dating an absolute drip of a guy, and feels her life unraveling, and you have a recipie for the great American novel of depression. For all this, the writing comes across as conversational, even humorous. Don't eat avacados with crab salad (trust me) as you read/listen to this classic that feels contemporary even decades after it's publication.

Imagine someone came up with a way to remove pain from our lives. What would be the cost to those who had the procedure? What would cost would befall those who didn't undergo it? And what if the procedure had unanticipated consequences? Definitely a great one for a day when the pool gets rained out.