Suggest a Title for Purchase

Are you looking for an item the library does not have? Would you like to recommend an item for the library to purchase?

Before suggesting a purchase, please check to see if the library owns the title in our library catalog.

If we purchase the item you are recommending, we will place the item on hold for you when it comes in. We are not able to put holds on downloadable titles for you at this time, but we will notify you if we are able to purchase the item you are requesting. Please only request items that are currently available or will be published in the next three months.

Specialized, technical, or out-of-print items may be obtained through Interlibrary Loan as they may be available from other libraries.

Please fill out each field before submitting your request.


Your Name
Request Interlibrary Loan Service

MCL is unable to control the quality of DVD’s received from other institutions. By selecting to ILL a DVD you acknowledge that the fee will be charged regardless of the quality or usability of the materials.


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