Graphic Content: Graphic Non-Fiction for Young and Old
Biography and autobiography read easier when heavily illustrated. Even when the life stories are anything but easy, these quick reads move fast but stick with you long after the last page is turned.
History: The Remix
These historical novels don't tell the story the way you heard it in school. Some tell stories with magic alongside muskets. Others venture back from now into times not so different from our own; they're grim, hopeful, and complex. Yet others wander to places so gently rendered you'll wish they'd stuck around until you remember why you're glad to live now.
Much Too Good for (Solely) Children: Kids Books That Adults Should Try or Revisit
Many adults only read kids books when their children are too young to read on their own. This is a mistake. No less a writer than C. S. Lewis wrote, "A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest." While that may be taking it a bit too far, he had a point. Look at "Harry Potter" or "Charlotte's Web." Quality writing for kids…
Oh, Death: Mind How You Go
Death remains an inevitable reality. But, fear of death and lack of understanding surrounding it or not facing it when it comes can make it worse. These books, both fiction and non-fiction, touch on facing it from places of wellness and illness, from places of youth and age, and from a place of dealing with the aftermath.
Books for People Who Love Books About Books
When you love books, you want to talk about them with whomever will listen. When you're all talked out but still want the experience of connecting with another mind over reading and loving books, libraries, bookshops, librarians, and shelves, here's where you can turn.
It's Not the Book You Start With...
These are books that have led me to another story, novel or work of non-fiction. Whether because they overtly or covertly reference another title, because they act as a homage or a parody, or because the title is derived from another piece of writing, one book leads to another.