Liz - Programs Specialist: Storytime

Coffee and the Arts Keep Me Inspired

I am an East Coast kid who loves the PNW - especially its coffee. When I’m not at the library, I’m playing my ukulele or kayaking. I cast a wide net in my reading; I appreciate humor, poetry, and YA just as much as non-fiction or great plays. Of course, I love picture books, too! Anything that activates a sense of wonder is a book (or audiobook) I’ll try!

In Their Own Words

Storytelling is a powerful force! Hearing about one person’s life experiences can make us feel a little less lonely or challenge us to look at things from a new perspective. This list includes memoirs and essay compilations that continue to keep me thinking.

Theatre Nerd

I believe, wholeheartedly, that arts heal, and that live performance can be just as thrilling as live sports. This list includes both books about the arts and some engaging and awe-inspiring plays. 

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Whenever I’m gripped by a case of “How did that happen?” I head for the shelves. These authors really know how to peel back the layers of their subjects, and they aren’t satisfied with easy answers