Read It Again! Read It Again!

Read It Again! Read It Again!

A list by Jessie, Community Libraries Director

As a mom of three kids and as a librarian, I have read quite a few picture books. When my kids find ones they want to read over and over, I really hope they are funny ones. This list includes my favorites, ones that even I don't mind the request of, "Read it again!"  


Gotta love a book that makes the reader say "Boo Boo Butt" and the giggles that always erupt from that one page!

All of the Piggie and Gerald books are great, but this one is one of my favorites.

Repetition in this book makes it easy for young kids to help tell the story. If you love this one, "The Wonky Donkey" also has a follow up, "The Dinky Donkey" (his daughter).

A fun holiday read about having too much STUFF at the holidays!

Because why else would aliens visit earth? It's definitely because of our underwear...

Occasionally, a library customer comes in returning a book their dog decided to eat... This book gets some revenge!

A humorous story that helps with putting your child to bed at night.