A Cozy Read

A Cozy Read

A list by Alayna, Customer Service Specialist

Take a mystery that needs solving, add a cute punny title, and usually an adorable animal sidekick, and you will probably end up with a cozy mystery (just hope that you're not the victim who got murdered). To be honest, I had no idea that's what these kind of books were called. The first one I remember picking up was "Mum's the Word" by Kate Collins (and yes, of course it's on this list!), and I said to myself, "I see what you did there, flowers, puns, you sneaky monkey you." I flipped the book over because the title made me smile, and reading the blurb of murder and a possible romance with a sexy ex cop had me hooked, and I've just been falling down the cozy mystery rabbit hole ever since.

So, if you want a mystery that keeps you interested, kick back in a comfy chair, grab the toasty beverage of your choice, a warm blanket, and curl up with a nice cozy read. Maybe your pet will come over to join you and you two can be armchair sleuths together. And, after, if you find yourself inspired by the books, (not the murder part, please) you can try out a recipe included in some of the books and eat a tasty treat while you read the next book in the series.

