I Scream, You Scream
In these books, we all scream. As an avid horror fan, I love when something can get my heart racing, and these books absolutely did that.
The only rule for the stories collected in this anthology is in the title. There were stories that ended up more sad than scary, and several that stuck with me. Multiple stories have all the energy I love in movies like "Jennifer's Body."
A+ marketing lead me to this book with a book review set to the song by the same name. This has the vibes of "Scooby Doo" with a group of teens hunting after their friend who went missing, ending up on the trail of a serial killer.
Be careful what you invite inside; you might get more than you bargained for. Like instead of a murderous supernatural entity you have to hide from, you might get a pair of serial killers.
In many of these stories, curiosity is the downfall for our characters. Sometimes it is best to let sleeping dogs lie, you know?
This book is told between two points of view. One is in the newly released book "The Nothing Man," telling the tale of a woman's life after she was the sole survivor of an attack that left her orphaned and her journey to find closure. The other point of view is that of the serial killer that made her an orphan. There is a cat and mouse aspect, however, multiple times you aren't sure just who is the cat and who is the mouse.
This is a favorite of mine from Preston and Child, one I've read multiple times. Set in Kansas at the end of summer when everything is hot and the corn is tall, grisly murders start plaguing a small town and an FBI agent on vacation can't help but investigate. I can't go past corn fields without tensing up after reading this.