MCL Speaks


Descubra lo que nuestra comunidad tiene que decir sobre la magia, los recuerdos y los momentos que hacen que Mid-Columbia Libraries sea inolvidable. ¿Quién sabe? Puede que la próxima vez compartamos su historia. 

Comparta su propia historia en nuestra página de Facebook o Instagram o responda a nuestra encuesta: 

Green Square containing “Han mejorado mis hábitos de lectura, ya que me permiten relajarme e imaginar otros lugares.”
Blue square containing "The library has greatly influenced our lives. We have access to so many more books, the variety builds wonderful experiences with our family. We have learned and laughed and traveled through books in a way that has brought our family a lot of joy. We have also met others in the community at the library and connected with old friends. Not to mention borrowing DVDs for an occasional movie night! The library is such a staple in our community!”
Green Square containing "We have read so many books OVER countless hours because of borrowing books from the library. Otherwise WE would have spent a fortune buying books or just not read as much."
"Borrowing books keeps my mind active and helps me explore interesting topics while also educating me about other people’s experiences. It broadens my world view and my knowledge base. It prepares me to make my most informed decisions and support other people. " – Kennewick Library Customer
Leer me ha ayudado mucho con mi hijo y la biblioteca es muy cómoda y las personas muy amigables. Me siento muy tranquilo estar dentro de esa biblioteca.