Programas Preescolares

Programas Preescolares

¡Colorean, construyen, aprendan, y mucho más! Nuestros programas preescolares les dan a los niños menores de 5 años la oportunidad para practicar habilidades para ser exitosos en la escuela, todo mientras que hacen nuevos amigos.

Preschool Program
Date Event Location Type Audience
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 11 Tue
Little Learners: Polar Animals

Help your little learner get ready for kindergarten! Join us for stories, songs, and educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. This week's theme is Polar Animals. 

Pasco Preschool Program 0-5
Mid-Columbia Libraries Playdate with colorful text and tape
Feb 12 Wed
Preschool Playdate: Build a Fort

Encourage your little one’s imagination by building a fort in the library and creating a special place to enjoy a book.

West Richland Preschool Program 0-5
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 12 Wed
Little Learners: Shapes

Help your little learner get ready for kindergarten! Join us for stories, songs, and educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. This week's theme is Shapes!

Othello Preschool Program 0-5
Mid-Columbia Libraries Playdate with colorful text and tape
Feb 13 Thu
Preschool Playdate: Block Party

Explore science and math skills through block play.

Kennewick Preschool Program 0-5
Mid-Columbia Libraries Playdate with colorful text and tape
Feb 14 Fri
Preschool Playdate: Gears, Gears, Gears!

Join us for a Preschool Playdate to create worlds of spinning fun! This activity will introduce children to construction and movement by using colorful sets of spinning gears.

Prosser Preschool Program 0-5
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 15 Sábado
Little Learners: Shapes

Help your little learner get ready for kindergarten! Join us for stories, songs, and educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. The theme will be Shapes.



West Pasco Preschool Program 0-5
Mid-Columbia Libraries Playdate with colorful text and tape
Feb 18 Tue
Preschool Playdate: Coding Critters

Introduce your little one to coding through interactive stories featuring a variety of animals!

Basin City Preschool Program 0-5
Mid-Columbia Libraries Playdate with colorful text and tape
Feb 18 Tue
Preschool Playdate: Tape Town

Come take a drive through Tape Town! Explore cities full of pirates, knights, dinosaurs, and more.

Pasco Preschool Program 0-5
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 19 Wed
Little Learners: Pets

Help your little learners get ready for kindergarten! Join us for stories, songs, and educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. This month's theme is Pets!

West Richland Preschool Program 0-5
Mid-Columbia Libraries Playdate with colorful text and tape
Feb 19 Wed
Preschool Playdate: Build a Fort

Encourage your little one’s imagination by building a fort in the library and creating a special place to enjoy a book.

Othello Preschool Program 0-5
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 20 Thu
Little Learners: Counting

Help your little learner get ready for kindergarten! Join us for stories, songs, and educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. This week's theme is counting!

Kennewick Preschool Program 0-5
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 20 Thu
Little Learners: Dinosaurs

Help your little learner get ready for kindergarten! Join us for stories and educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. This month's theme is Colors!


Benton City Preschool Program 0-5
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 22 Sábado
Little Learners: Community Helpers

Help your little learner get ready for kindergarten! Join us for stories, songs, and educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. The theme will be Community Helpers.



West Pasco Preschool Program 0-5
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 25 Tue
Little Learners: Colors

Help your little learner get ready for kindergarten! Join us for stories, songs, and educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. This week's theme is Colors.

Pasco Preschool Program 0-5
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 25 Tue
Little Learners: Winter

Help your little learner get ready for kindergarten! Join us for educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. This month's theme is Winter!

Merrill's Corner Preschool Program 0-5
Mid-Columbia Libraries Playdate with colorful text and tape
Feb 26 Wed
Preschool Playdate: Tape Town

Come take a drive through Tape Town! Explore cities full of pirates, knights, dinosaurs, and more.

West Richland Preschool Program 0-5
Creative Kids Logo
Feb 26 Wed
Creative Kids: Being Helpful

Come and have fun with your little one with some cooperation games that will teach them how to work with others and develop gross motor skills. 

Othello Preschool Program 0-5
Mid-Columbia Libraries Playdate with colorful text and tape
Feb 27 Thu
Preschool Playdate: Build-A-Fort

Encourage your little one’s imagination by building a fort in the library and creating a special place to enjoy a book.

Kennewick Preschool Program 0-5
Little Learners colorful text with music notes, an apple, and alphabet blocks in various colors
Feb 28 Fri
Little Learners: Winter

Help your little learner get ready for kindergarten! Join us for educational activities that help prepare your child for a successful start in school. This month's theme is Winter!

Merrill's Corner Preschool Program 0-5